were I live

Were I live :)

I live in central California. When most people hear the word California they think of surfing sun and summer all year.
Well if you think that you are wrong I live in the mountains of Cali. Where there are more snakes than houses, more trees than people and less asphalt than flying pigs. Its funner than it sounds you should try it sometime. 

My scrapblog

My scrapblog


What do you think about me

Friday, September 26, 2008

The competition begins

If you want to help me win a battle between me and my 

friend Justin. We are seeing who can get more followers to our bloggers 
So if you want me to win give me a few ideas about 
what i shood blog about and follow my blogs.

So the battle is off guud luck to us and all who read this

Mason, AKA Im a mobster


$p3nc3r said...

Lets get im, GO MOBSTERS!!!!!!!, Tell the boys there will be blood.

$p3nc3r said...

We should blog about random crap everyday and always make it sound interesting

im a mobster said...

oo yesss

Lani said...

Spencer scares me and random is good

Sabrina T said...

you all scare me

$p3nc3r said...

I will eat the Soul's of our rivals and condemn them to hell for eternity long live the mob!!!!!!!

Sabrina T said...

spencer ur creepy